Inspired by the fantasy movies from the 80s that were full of imagination, adventure and comedy, In Your House stories have been designed to be shot in a limited location. Unique stories to be adapted to the customer’s preferences and that are a true cinematic experience.

Mind Exchange

The life of a family is turned upside down when some mysterious object makes them swap their minds and bodies.

  • Duration: 5 to 10 minutes short story
  • Locations: Very flexible
  • Acting performance difficulty: Challenging but enjoyable
  • FX difficulty: Easy

Labyrinth House

A mysterious new house becomes a trap for its confused guests.

  • Duration: 5 to 10 minutes short story
  • Locations: Big house with many rooms advisable
  • Acting performance difficulty: Variable
  • FX difficulty: Variable

Dream Explorers

The adventure of a group of siblings who find a way of entering inside each other’s dreams, unravelling a family mystery.

  • Duration: 5 to 10 minutes short story
  • Locations: Flexible, but big house and green screen room recommended
  • Acting performance difficulty: Variable
  • FX difficulty: Flexible-Hard

End Of The World

In the middle of a family crisis between their antagonistic members in the worst Christmas ever, the world starts falling apart, literally.

  • Duration: 5 to 10 minutes short story
  • Locations: Flexible, starting from a single living room.
  • Acting performance difficulty: Variable
  • FX difficulty: Flexible

Invisible Man

A neighbourhood is challenged by the presence of a mysterious stalker nobody can see.

  • Duration: 5 to 10 minutes short story
  • Locations: Several houses/neibourhood advisable
  • Acting performance difficulty: Variable
  • FX difficulty: Flexible

Back To The Living Room

A couple of siblings need to find their younger sister lost in a magical realm, a multiverse of movies inside their own TV.

  • Duration: 5 to 10 minutes short story
  • Locations: A house and green screen studio necessary
  • Acting performance difficulty: Variable
  • FX difficulty: Very hard

Grandma Has Turned Into A Toaster?

Some supernatural madness is taking over a sweet home and is becoming worse and worse. Can they find the cause and stop it before it is too late?

  • Duration: 5 to 10 minutes short story
  • Locations: A house and green screen room advisable
  • Acting performance difficulty: Variable
  • FX difficulty: Hard


Spy/Thriller parody

“I Am Not A Spy” can also be shot in a single location.